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In the course of many years, Duke has got tons of user maps and TCs from different authors. I've tried to select most inspiring Duke releases I've played. Note that it's just my opinion though.


The KaiseR Land 03 is a medieval-themed map featuring outstanding achitecture, terrain and layout. Its detailed and seamless spritework greatly contributes to overall 3D look. The new tileset fits very well creating an unrepeatable atmosphere.


The Temple Of Illusions takes up four levels from Oblivion 3D by Zaxtor. In a certain sense, they're the best levels in the whole TC; quite diversified and less confusing compared to the rest of levels. In the room shown below you "shrink" immensely, become roach-sized and have to walk around the room exploring every bit of the furniture what is just an unforgettable experience.


When playing Deadfall by Billy Boy, one can enjoy a truly three-dimensional gameplay, like in other Billy Boy's masterpieces. This map is a very long and intriguing trip (despite some occasional button combination puzzles I avoid), and it's hard to believe it doesn't go over the DOS Duke Nukem 3D limits.