Lezing's DN3D Resource
Designed for 1280x1024 truecolor.
Welcome to the Lezing's DN3D Resource. This site is designed for various content related to Duke Nukem 3D and EDuke32 modifications made by me.
My name is Maxim Chinyakin, also known as Lezing, Craig Fatman, punpcklbw etc. I'm a Duke modder since late 2003. I live in Saint Petersburg, Russia.
My ICQ number is 355591824 and the Skype name is the_lezing. You may contact me either way, or email me to slike1990[at]mail.ru.
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Latest updates
October 12, 2014
Check out the new version of my LNGA mod which is finally ready! V0.3 is still a work in progress, but a lot of things has been improved since 2011. You can download it from project's page.
May 14, 2011
The recent LNGA snapshot has been updated with a minor fix enabling voxel objects.
May 8, 2011
A fresh snapshot of the LNGA mod has been released! Visit mod's page to download.
May 1, 2011
I've uploaded another tech demo of LNGA mod today. Don't forget to visit the thread on Duke4.net forums as well.
April 16, 2011
A new video about my geeky "New Generation Art" mod has been uploaded on YouTube.
Be prepared to a playable snapshot which is going to be released in a couple of weeks.
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